Monday, October 11, 2010

Sign Day- Please, May I Have Some More?

I could have asked for a new job or a boat load of money but
I think this is the sign I really want.
Not friends like just acquaintances- more keep the dining room table clean friends.
Friends to share the meat & potatoes of each others lives.
With standing reservations and arms open wide.
They are harder to come by than you think.

(Vintage Sampler either by my Grandmother or one of Aunts on my Dad's side.)

Monday, March 8, 2010


Things have been changing for me quickly and slowly. I've finally quit whining about needing to paint and have finally started. The first one kind of works for me but it was a struggle to get it there. It has it's problems.(Don't we all.) But it was a good start.

The next one was much better and looks quite like me, without the glasses. These are sort of about migraines but... again much difficulty relearning how to paint. But it's a satisfying challenge. How do you make a shapeless blob of gooey paint look like anything by spreading it around with hair tied to a stick? What a ridiculous skill and yet it's mine.

So it offends me to the highest degree when I'm forced to make "things" for others who think they know better and tell me how to do my job.

I'm on the threshold of reclaiming my skills and more importantly my time to paint.

I'm finishing the third painting and am just about ready to start the fourth.
Stay tuned & wish me luck.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My New Favorite Funny Site

This is just is good as Cake Wrecks.
It's when things on etsy go wrong and some wonderful my kinda commentary.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What this a new sex toy?

'Cause you need a dozen.
I found this at work it just leaves me laughing and scratching my head.
The inside wasn't nearly as fun.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Week Friday

If you're going to go store bought, it's just like my philosophy of eating out. It should be something that I either don't know how to make or just plain takes too much time.
Otherwise I'm just disappointed.
Shiny blown glass fits the bill.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Week Thursday

Ok, so I missed a day, sorry. Mmm, white pumpkins.
Martha has ruined them a little for me, but I still like them alot.
Those of us who just aren't like the others in some way probably can relate.
My most fave are the white jack-be-littles.
Yes Lynn, I did this while you were trying
to gnaw your arm off in the meeting to escape XO Billy :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Week -Punkin' Wrecks

Like one of my favorite blogs Cake Wrecks- well, here are some punkin's for you. The cat isn't so bad.

Why would you buy these pre-wrecked and not have the pleasure of creating a wreck of your very own? After all it's the act of creation and not the finished product.
These might be exceptions.

And the drum roll please....

Friends don't let friends paint pumpkins after too much hard cider. Eesh.